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Train faster. Smarter. Easier.
Last week was marked by a breathtaking event that couldn’t leave untouched anybody keen on electronics and new technologies - Consumer Electronic Show or CES, that took place in Las Vegas from 05 to 08 January. All the major manufacturers gathered in a desert in order to show their latest inventions in prototypes, betas and fully functioning versions that will soon appear in stores. Let’s take a look at the most promising and interesting novelties!
Recently one of our customers decided to apply the idea of images recognition to a specific domain - license plates. After being recognized, the number is sent to a special service, which provides information about the car. The information is similar to the information contained in a vehicle certificate of origin: car make and model, manufacture year, car type, VIN, motor ID… This information can be used in different fields: from detecting law violators to facilitating maintenance service and fueling questions. But before starting development of solutions for different domains, the customer decided to check out the idea and create a Proof Of Concept (POC). The idea was to demonstrate the POC to investors and gain their support before starting development. This was the request he addressed to Noveo.
Though augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) are young, they are the domains very confidently asserting themselves on the informational technologies market. We can safely say that future belongs to AR/VR-devices. Even now the diversity of such devices impresses: helmets, gloves, entire costumes, tracking systems for head, eyes and body movements, 3D-controllers, stereoscopic screens - but there is much more than that.