Switching unit-testing framework by one line
Using of different unit testing frameworks for supporting of code quality for MCU firmware, approach for migration to a new framework, if there are a lot of tests already written.
Using of different unit testing frameworks for supporting of code quality for MCU firmware, approach for migration to a new framework, if there are a lot of tests already written.
Marked with a plenty of momentous events, 2022 has become a huge turning point in the development of digital technologies. Looking at the current state of things, it’s safe to assume that the next couple of years are going to be associated with optimizing business digitalization costs.
One of the places on the Noveo world’s map is picturesque Tbilisi. Our manager Maria, who has been living in Tbilisi for a long time and working in our Georgian office, shares her impressions with you!
Noveo Senior Web Developer Yan shows a method of reducing the number of SQL queries down to a single one when fetching child entity collections of a hierarchical structure with PHP and Doctrine ORM.
Anton, Senior web developer at Noveo, walks us through all things SSL certificates: what they are, how to generate them, as well as how to use them for local development – and for testing on mobile devices.
Inspired by an idea that has been recently circulating in the worldwide developer community, Noveo software engineer Andrei decided to implement his own solution for automating the process of working with semantic versioning and conventional commits in Git. Please welcome to the stage… AutoGit!
How can one run a couple thousand tests in as little time as possible, in parallel mode, and on top of that, make the whole process CI-agnostic? Noveo backend developer and DevOps expert Andrei shares his solution to the problem.
How to cheer up on a rainy, gloomy fall day? For example, remembering how warm and fun we celebrated Programmer's Day at Noveo!