Ionic framework - a retrospective toolkit review (part 1)
Here comes a series of articles from Andrey, a developer from Noveo, about his experience with Ionic Framework for cross-platform development.
Here comes a series of articles from Andrey, a developer from Noveo, about his experience with Ionic Framework for cross-platform development.
It’s Friday night, everyone is done with their work for the week, and so you all gather around a TV to watch your favourite game show together. ‘That’s so easy’, ‘Even I know that one’, ‘Oh come on, I would definitely win!’ Let’s be honest, we all tend to make such comments - especially when we’re so frustrated with that one guy on our screen who clearly has no idea what the right answer is. Luckily, modern technology can help any of us feel as though we’re the ones enjoying the spotlight and tackling even the trickiest of questions - the only thing we need for that is a mobile version of said game show installed on our phone! ;)
Time seems to slip through your fingers? Try the recipe for productive time management from the head of the web department Noveo Timofey!
Oh, the wonderful month of December… That special time when everything slows down in anticipation of Christmas celebrations and finally gives way to complete, almost-magical stillness towards New Year’s Eve. Or does it?
“Lights switched off? Check. Electronics unplugged? Check. Doors shut and locked? Check and che– Wait.” Cue dramatic music, stopping the car right in the middle of the road and rushing back home with the speed of light, any business meeting you had that morning be damned…
In the beginning of the year almost all of the Design Department completed an online course devoted to Adobe After Effects and the basic principles of animation. Zarina, Senior Designer and Techlead of Noveo Design Department, tells and shows us what our designers have learned from this course.
Just a couple of years ago an emotional burn-out was believed to be an exotic foreign thing, however, now it's sadly becoming somewhat normalized. Darya, Noveo QA Techlead, and Anastasiya, a head of HR, filled in on how to tell the difference between burnout and fatigue and how to keep it at arm’s length.
Natalia, TechLead of the Noveo QA department, is sharing her experience of implementing a quite tricky functionality - integration of a web application with social media.